



History House summer break

As the festive season approaches, Bendigo Historical Society will be taking a break to recharge and prepare for 2025. 

History House and the Treasures Exhibition will be closed from 15 December 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday 4 February 2025. 

We’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our members, volunteers, donors and visitors for their assistance and support in 2024 . 

We wish you a safe and joyful holiday season and look forward to welcoming you back to History House in 2025.

What’s In The Box?

Friday 4 October          2.00 p.m.

La Trobe Art Institute,

        121 View Street Bendigo

The Bendigo Historical Society collection contains boxes, folders, drawers and shelves concealing a hidden world of stories – full of surprises, connections, achievements and disappointments.


Walk into History

Sunday 6 October 2024       10:30 a.m.

Meet the Neighbours at MacKenzie Quarters

10 – 12 MacKenzie St, Bendigo VIC

Tour will include an Open House and presentation from the owners about the history of the buildings and the story of the renovations.

This will be followed by a morning tea of scones with jam and cream, fruit platters and barrel tea in the banquet room.

Members $30           Non-members $40

Please note the later start time of 10:30 a.m.

Bookings essential


Online bookings preferred. In-person bookings may be made at History House 11 MacKenzie Street, Bendigo.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Walk into History Sunday

Sunday 1st September  2024     10.00 a.m.

A Spring stroll and drive in Axedale   FULLY BOOKED  Wait list available.

Join tour leader, Kay Macgregor, a local of Axedale, and enjoy a journey of discovery where some intriguing history will be revealed. Bridges, bluestone and pubs, Axedale has many stories to tell.

Tag-a-long for a short tour by car and on foot.

Sturdy footwear advised.

Meet at Axedale Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Axedale.

Limited numbers

Bookings essential – All details and booking at:


Online bookings preferred.

In-person bookings may be made at History House 11 Mackenzie Street, Bendigo.

Tuesdays & Thursdays 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

Members $5.00. Non-members $10.00.

Image: Campaspe River Axedale

Walk into History – Radical Bendigo

Sunday 7 July 2024      10.00 a.m.

Unionists, lefties and agitators in Bendigo.
Tour leader: TBC.

Meet: Trades Hall, View Street.

Members $5.00. Non-members $10.00.

Image SLV. Carters and Drivers 1912.

Thespians and Divas – Amateur Theatre in Bendigo.

Friday 5 July         2.00 p.m.

La Trobe Art Institute, 121 View Street Bendigo

Thespians & Divas – Amateur Theatre in Bendigo.

Keva Lloyd  has been researching this topic and will present an illustrated talk at the La Trobe Art Institute. He has uncovered some fascinating information about the people and places that were central to this side of life in Bendigo.

Image State Library Victoria. Royal Princess Theatre.

Walk Into History – Could Eaglehawk have been called Bendigo?

Sunday 2 June 2024      10.00 a.m.

Did it really have forty one hotels in 1888?

Join us on a walk of the unique heritage streetscapes around the Eaglehawk CBD to enjoy some of the fabulous architecture and hear some stories from locals about the history of their homes.
Meet at the Eaglehawk Town Hall (Star Cinema) at 10.00 a.m.

Members $5.00. Non-members $10.00.


Tour of Langley Estate

Saturday 11 May     10.00 a.m.

Tour of Langley Estate – a goldfields landmark since 1904.
By popular demand  – a return to Langley Estate at 484 Napier St. White Hills.
Thomas and Simone Heywood will guide us through the wonderful history of the estate.

Tour and morning  tea. – $25.        Bookings essential – Message 0472 975 068

Reading Bendigo Better

Members’ and Friends’ Meeting

Friday 3 May    2.00 p.m.

La Trobe Art Institute, 121 View Street Bendigo

Elaine Doling, Heritage Consultant.

Reading Bendigo Better is the first of a series of public presentations about aspects of built heritage in Bendigo and how a better understanding of connections to the past can help shape the future. Elaine’s talk will focus on some particular types of built heritage and show connections to work patterns and a changing Bendigo

Free event. All welcome.

Image from State Library Victoria.